A flowery, citrus-like aroma (more orange than grapefruit) with medium bittering value that is gaining acceptance as a substitute for Cascade due to its hardy…
Flowery, citrus & spice with grapefruit the noticeable fragrance quite often. This medium aroma balances the low bittering value. Derived from a cross between fuggles…
Mild to medium-heavy, spicy, distinct piney aroma like a pine forest washed with exotic spice and infused with grapefruit. This alluring aroma and a high…
Very fruity Citrus, peach, apricot, passion fruit, grapefruit, lime, melon, gooseberry, lychee fruit, pineapple, mango, papaya and other tropical fruit flavors and aromas. A very…
Floral aroma, Excellent general purpose hop with medium and well-balanced bittering potential and no undesirable aroma properties. Good for Dark beers. Bittering with good flavor.…
Earthy, spicy, pungent, with some citrus overtones. Not overwhelmingly citrus like Cascade. High on the bittering scale yet also valued for its oil content creates…
Classic English aroma hop with moderate bittering value. Mild and pleasant, spicy, soft, woody, with some fruit tones. Also known over-seas as Styrian Golding. Finishing,…
Named for its origins in the Hallertauer region of Germany, this is a noble aroma hop with ever-so-subtle flower and spice fragrances defining its “über…
Named for its origins in the Hallertauer region of Germany, this noble aroma hop with ever-so-subtle flower and spice fragrances defining its “uber alles” superiority.…
A German thoroughbred with limited Pacific Northwest plantings. Prized for its high bittering value, the aromatic nature is one of spice and citrus, but is…